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Avvasi Launches Video Service Gateway to Help Service Providers Measure, Improve and Monetize the Video Experience on Mobile Devices

Introducing Q-SRV, the world’s first mobile video QoE system that enables operators to monetize the OTT video value chain

Waterloo, Ontario(10 Dec 2012)


Avvasi Inc., the world’s only vendor of QoE driven video management and monetization solutions, today announced the launch of Avvasi Q-SRV Video Service Gateway. This announcement signals the creation of a new market category, in which mobile network operators put their subscriber’s video Quality of Experience at the heart of the traffic management process. As video now represents more than half of mobile network traffic, operators need to manage it as a separate service. Avvasi’s Q-SRV builds on the success of its Q-VUE product, currently used by Tier 1 operators to measure video experience, by allowing them to actively manage and improve subscriber video experience for the first time. 

“Mobile video now uses more than half of the available bandwidth on many mobile networks – between 50% and 85% depending on the carrier, location and type of service,” said Dimitris Mavrakis, Principal Analyst at Informa Telecoms & Media. “Quality of Experience is fast becoming a very important KPI for video in mobile networks. Active management of subscribers’ video QoE has the potential to become one of the next battlefields between competing operators. In the future, we believe that actively managing the video experience will be one of the biggest opportunities operators are presented with to monetize the 50% of service that is now essentially given away for free by carriers.”

Q-SRV has been designed for LTE and broadband networks. It enables network operators to detect poor video experience in their network, per subscriber, device, location, and service and to improve the user experience in real-time while simultaneously increasing virtual network capacity. Additionally, Q-SRV helps rationalize and create SLAs for video quality, which is indispensable for video monetization.

“Operators understand that they need to improve and manage their subscribers’ video experiences and create new revenues from exploding levels of mobile OTT video like YouTube and Netflix,” said Mate Prgin, President and CEO of Avvasi.  “We have been very successful in helping our existing customers measure, improve and monetize OTT video with Q-SRV, and we are happy to extend today its unique, industry-first benefits to all operators concerned with improving and actively managing their video experience.”

Avvasi Q-SRV runs on Avvasi’s Xperium platform, a carrier-grade, ATCA-based chassis that provides industry leading scalability, flexibility and performance needed to help service providers monetize massive video traffic growth.

Avvasi will be showcasing Q-SRV at Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona on February 25-28, 2013.  To book a meeting to see how Q-SRV will help your organization please contact Avvasi’s marketing team directly at marketing


About Avvasi:
Avvasi enables QOE-driven measurement, improvement and monetization of the video experience and is the industry reference in mobile video QOE measurement and OTT video experience management. Avvasi provides operators with the tools to become Video Service Providers, enabling profitable participation in the value chain for mobile video delivery.  Service providers around the globe are deploying Avvasi’s solutions to measure, improve, and monetize mobile video in their networks. To learn how, please visit